Latest News
All the news that are relevant for our small community
Please Join Us, In-Person
To Celebrate Ash Wednesday / Valentine’s Day
At 7:30am, 12:10pm, & 7:00pm!
Please Join Us, In-Person, Sunday, February 11th, 2024,
As We Welcome Our New Rector, The Rev. Adam Dawkins, at our 8 am & 10 am, services
Join us as we celebrate the final Sunday of our Interim Priest, the Rev. Canon Jim Newman. He has been a vital asset to the life of the parish and was very instrumental in the process of helping us select our new Priest, Father Adam Dawkins, who will begin his first Sunday on February 11th.
We will host a special coffee hour party before and after each service (8 am and 10 am) on Sunday, February 4th, 2024. Please invite a guest with you, and we look forward to seeing you there.