Our memories are what keep alive our faith, our culture and our very existence. Sometimes we can remember something so deeply that we make that thing present again. This is called anamnesis. Every time we celebrate Eucharist, we make present Christ’s death and resurrection. When I was a child, my grandma pointed out the words in the Dakota hymnal as we sang. I stood with her in the kitchen, and she taught me to cook. Today, when I sing from the Dakota hymnal or make a recipe of hers, it’s like she is here with me. I hear her singing with me or looking over my shoulder as I cook, telling me to stir my pot.

So many injustices have happened recently that make real and make present events of the past. The government’s oppression of the Indigenous folks at Standing Rock makes present the 7th Cavalry’s oppression of Indigenous people long ago. George Floyd’s cry to his mother during his murder made present Christ’s passion and calling to his mother. As we see and feel these injustices, know that our ancestors are made present with us too. Just as the suffering of the crucified Christ is present in the eucharist, the suffering of our ancestors is made present in these times of injustice. Our ancestors stand with us in our grief and pain, calling us to action, calling us to change, calling us to transform our world, making present and real God’s kin(g)dom.

—Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg

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