Only by persevering in doing what is right will we be led to the reward we were promised.

How can I “do what is right” to someone who is lying and doing me harm? God is wiser than I. God says that the best thing to do is forgive—not to hold grudges or resentment but to love my neighbor and always do what is right. So that is what I will do, and I invite you to join me. I know how challenging this sounds, but today we are deciding to place God above everything else.

We are learning how to live beneath the cross and to persevere. All that we sow, we will reap. Let us wait with faith and never lose heart as we continue doing what is right. The outside world may rage against us. Have faith. Do what is right.

There is one more thing I invite you to do: Ask God in prayer to fill your heart with love, justice and forgiveness. Try to do God’s will. Try to always be connected to God, even if a part of you doesn’t want to. Doing what is right is more challenging than following our own wishes. You will need faith and resolve to want to please the Lord. Let’s keep on walking, one step at a time.

—Patricia Martin

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