Where Jesus is, there is love. When Jesus is present, all ills of society are addressed, challenged, corrected and healed. Rochester, New York, was one of many cities impacted by the inhumane death of Black people. Daniel Prude was a Black man who was also mentally ill. Mental health has been neglected in our communities overall, and we are all participants in that neglect. The unjust way he died has exposed, yet again, the moral health pandemic of a “caste system” in the United States and around the world. Unless we address this moral health crisis, we will come back to some manifestation of the same problem again and again.

Episcopal Relief & Development has consistently worked with partners around the world to reach the most vulnerable—those struggling with poverty, hunger and disease. Beyond policy and systemic changes, we get through these difficult circumstances because someone stands with us. Jesus needs his body to stand with the vulnerable and the invisible peoples of our world. Standing with those who suffer to correct the wrongs of history is practicing the presence of Jesus. We can each do our part of loving and healing by expanding our circles!

—Prince Singh

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