When we experience loss, it’s only natural for our hearts to be troubled. John’s record of the words of Jesus includes promises that touch troubled hearts—encouraging words that help us live out and reaffirm our faith and hope in eternal life.

When we are separated from our loved ones and our soul is distressed, we can find peace again if we believe with all confidence that there is room for all believers. “In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places.” The image used here is that of a group of travelers: one walks ahead and makes the necessary preparations for the others. And as Jesus prepares a dwelling for each of us, he also prepares us for that dwelling.

We have the certainty that we will meet again. Even though Jesus physically left his disciples, it was only a temporary separation. Jesus is with us always.

Jesus tells his disciples that faith in God will heal their troubled hearts. He tells us the same.

Today, let us move forward, not losing sight of our Savior’s cross.

—Patricia Martin

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