When I was a little girl, there were very few moments of silence around me. In our Dominican and Haitian household, space was always filled with loud conversations, church services, colorful music and the sounds of moto-taxis passing by. Now fastforward to 2021: silence, unrest and uncertainty surround me. So, I cry out; I cry out to the Lord in despair, pleading that neither the silent pandemic nor the loud and unjustified hatred towards my people ends up hurting or taking away those I love the most.

Yet, during these trying times, I find myself needing to use that same silence to recharge, to pause and to actively figure out the best way to heal from all this hurt and uncertainty. And although it’s challenging to live with the fear of loss, I faithfully wait for God’s promise of salvation, but I no longer wait alone. I’ve found a community of loving, resilient and dedicated people who have shown me that united in bonds of love, we will continue to walk forward together.

—Sandy Milien

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