Join Us For Our Adult Formation – Anglicanism 101

Sunday mornings at 9:05

In the Parish Library

Our Anglican tradition in the Episcopal Church is a consistent holistic approach in which faith is not compartmentalized but touches every part of our lives. Yet, it offers us life on the road with Jesus, with the same certainties and doubts that his first group of followers experienced.

Some 86 million people across 165 countries identify as Anglican, belonging to a family of Christians renowned for its rich diversity. This diverse family comprises the Anglican Communion, a fellowship of churches that extends worldwide. Our spirit of openness to one another is a sign of our openness to the movement of the Holy Spirit. While few Anglicans presume to have reached the pinnacle of their spiritual journey, our doors are open to all seeking a deeper relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Whether you are a cradle Episcopalian, relatively new to our tradition, or are curious about Christianity, Anglicanism 101 offers something for every traveler on the journey of faith. We will explore our Anglican approach to worship, the scriptures, spirituality, doctrine, authority, social and moral questions, and more.