Entries by StAlbansAdmin

Work or Vocation

On Labor Day we think about our work as both a job and a career while we may choose to think of it as a vocation, which means asking very… […]

Majoring in the Minors

Jesus freely and fearlessly challenged the norms of his religious culture. Today, in our time, the churches struggle with cultural assumptions and norms in a world which is increasingly spiritual… […]

A Troublesome Truth

Jesus doesn’t offer peace and quiet, but the truth. The truth is bound to stir up trouble. If you tell the truth, some will accept it and others will reject… […]

On Greed

Instead of intervening in a family squabble over inheritances, Jesus reflects on toxic materialism and its antidote, gratitude. Preacher: Father Hartshorn Murphy Passage: Luke 12: 13-21 Service: 8 a.m.

Jesus Answers Martha

If you labor hard to be a good Christian, concentrating on good works, it’s only natural to take Martha’s part. She’s tired, frazzled at trying unassisted to offer Jesus appropriate. […]