I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-35

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Though months have passed and there is more information than ever before about the novel corona virus, much still remains the same, and so Christ’s words remain our anchor and our guide as we discern our way forward as the Body of Christ at St. Alban’s. It is with this principle firmly in mind that I write to share with you the decision the Vestry recently made regarding our community’s gathering together for Sunday morning worship during this pandemic. 

As previously mentioned, we have appointed a Homecoming Committee to discuss details of our corporate gathering for worship and fellowship in the coming months. Members of the Committee include Paul Krogstad (MD), Dean Valentine (Vestry), Lisa Jackson (Altar Guild and Vestry), Glen Wright (Usher), Suzanne Scarmack (Senior Warden), and A Kouture (Parish Administrator). After meeting three times with the results of the Homecoming Survey, the Committee agreed on the following recommendation to the Vestry – that St. Alban’s suspend in-person Sunday morning services until September at the earliest as we wait for these criteria to be met: 1. a significant decrease in the number of covid-19 cases for at least six consecutive weeks, 2. a safe and effective vaccine becomes widely available, and 3. a majority of parishioners feel safe and comfortable returning (our survey shows we are at 25% as of today). After much discussion at its July 21 meeting, the Vestry also approved the recommendation as articulated by the Homecoming Committee, with the intention to revisit the question at the August Vestry meeting.  

This reality deeply grieves us. So much of our identity is founded on our weekly celebration of the Eucharist and our fellowship with one another – our shared presence with and as the Body of Christ. To fast from such spiritual sustenance for many weeks more is a hard and heartbreaking thing. And yet, we know and trust that our love for one another is the reason why this decision must be made and we will find the strength to carry such loss with the hope and faith that when we do gather again, we will find we are as fully and deeply connected to each other as we have ever been. In the meantime, we plan to gather and connect together virtually  through means we have already put in place and through additional opportunities. We will share more information about these new offerings in the coming weeks. 

  1. Coffee Hour (Zoom) 
  2. Community Phone Tree
  3. Bible Study (Zoom)
  4. Weekday Prayers (Zoom)

This is only temporary; and our faith, hope and love – for each other and in Christ – are eternal and everlasting. We trust that God is good and that God’s grace and love guide and bless us along the journey. Let us hold on to that as we wait.

In Christ, 

The Rev. Yein Kim, Rector 
