Encountering Jesus Part 1
Isaiah 42:1-9

In this passage, we read one of the four servant songs of Isaiah. Israel is portrayed as the servant, whom God loves, and through whom God will bless all the nations. God is described as the powerful creator of the heaven and the earth, who is worthy of glory and praise. Yet this God is close enough to take the people by the hand and to hold them. How beautiful are the words from the opening line, “my chosen, in whom my soul delights.” These are words of belonging that many long to hear, whether from parents, spouses/partners, children, or friends. My soul delights in you, says God, and nothing will get in the way of that love. In addition to covenantal language, this passage is also a commissioning for the work set out for Israel. We are told that Israel will not cry out in the streets, grow faint, or be crushed as they do the work of bringing justice to all the world. Bring sight to the blind God says, bring prisoners out from the dungeons. Through your work, I will make you a light to the nations. God does not take justice lightly, but as we hear in this passage, it is in fact work God has called us to. It might resonate with our post-communion prayer, “send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord…”

  • What images or feelings come to mind when you think about God’s soul delighting in you?
  • Can you think of a time that God blessed you through others or when others were blessed through you? Where was God in those moments?
  • When you think of bringing justice to the world what work comes to mind?
  • What part of justice-making might God be calling you to you?

This Bible study, written by Rector Reagan Gonzalez