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Acolytes serve in the procession and at the altar during Sunday services. At times, they are also asked to serve at weddings, funerals, and other special services. Acolytes are trained to serve at the altar in various roles: banner bearers, crucifers, torch bearers, and thurifers. Serving as an acolyte is a wonderful way to experience the beauty of liturgical worship, and to grow in commitment to God.


The Altar Guild is dedicated to looking after the church’s beautiful vestments, vessels, altar hangings and ornaments. They prepare the altar for the celebration of the Eucharist each Sunday, as they do for observance of other sacraments and offices of the church (baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc.).


Lectors are members of the congregation who volunteer to read from the Scriptures during services. They may be any age from teens (occasionally even younger) to seniors. They must be willing to prepare their readings carefully beforehand, checking on meanings and pronunciations, and they must be able to read accurately, not too fast, and with expression.


A special ministry of hospitality, the Guild of Ushers welcomes worshipers to St. Alban’s by serving as hosts for Sunday services, as well as for all holiday and special services. The job includes managing seating, distributing bulletins, receiving and presenting the Offertory, guiding the flow of traffic to and from the altar rail for communion, and tidying up the church after the services.