Food Donations & Food Cards Needed!

Non-perishable food donations needed: rice, beans, staples. The demand is increasing as students are being vaccinated, and more willing to come on-site. We anticipate opening by appointment only 2-3 days per week to have students pick up food. Please bring a bag of non-perishable items (with a generous expiration date left) such as rice and beans and put them in the basket provided. 

The students continue to need grocery gift cards for Ralphs, Target, and Trader Joe’s as well—vital for those not on campus.  We are distributing gift cards to 10-20 students a week. Make a cash donation by:

  • check made out to Wesley Foundation UCLA/580 Café (memo: “580 Café Relief Fund”)

  • donate online:

  • purchase $25 gift cards to either Trader Joe’s, Target, or Ralphs.

purchase online for:



(Trader Joe’s:  Trader Joe’s gift cards can only be purchased in store.)

Please send gift cards to 580 Café (580 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024) or to if email delivery is an option.  Thank you for your continued support. All donations are tax deductible.