As we ready for the journey in Christ in the way of the cross, we are moving in the Spirit of God toward the gift of divine luminosity.

Making amends and forgiveness is not easy. Sometimes these two actions take time, yet with courage, we move toward reconciliation a step at a time. We are like mosaic pieces. We have imperfections. These imperfections guide us to see deep within ourselves in order to make amends and change where it is needed. We learn how to fit our mosaic pieces in the image of the cross where we are made right with God, ourselves and with those with whom we make amends and forgive. This takes vulnerability and bravery, and these two things created in the image of God are very good and beautiful. The paradox of divine spirituality brings us together. God’s light enters and shines to help us live in wholeness in Christ.

May your Lenten journey be a peace offering in the light of the divine healer. Amen.

—Cornelia Eaton

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