See me, love me, recognize my humanity! That is the cry of many people today. It seems we’ve been crying out for centuries, hoping that the image of God reflected in us be acknowledged and not dismissed.

Concealing and ignoring our transgressions and those of others is what’s hurting our society the most. We can’t keep pretending that all is well when we have front row seats to a never-ending show of horrific human darkness. It’s time to turn to God, to the source of love and mercy, and courageously acknowledge our role in this show.

The work of repentance is a work of courage and transformation that comes from the heart. Repentance means facing our darkness, fighting oppression and injustice in real-time, and boldly rejecting everything that is not of God. I dream of a day when we all decide to turn in the direction of the Gospel of love, a Gospel that is life-giving and where all are truly seen, loved without measure and where the beauty of the image of God is recognized and celebrated in all human beings.

—Sandy Milien

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