Resting can mean a time of relaxing or a time of quiet for metamorphosis, quiet to hear the still small voice of God, quiet to allow the Holy Spirit in, quiet to allow for transformation. In my Lakota culture and others, when we need guidance, right relationship and to lament, we Hanbleciya (cry for a vision). Traditionally, we would go “sit on the hill” by ourselves, fasting and praying. It is a time for reflection, vulnerability and finding our way back into right-relationship with the Creator, with creation and with ourselves.

In the past year, we have all experienced grief, loss and pain. We are left questioning many things. For some, that has included our faith and our God. Yet sometimes in our deepest sorrow, in what we think is our lowest point, in that messy, ugly-crying space, the Holy Spirit can transform us. This is the time to cry for a vision. This is the time to fast, pray and find our way back into right-relationship. This is the time to listen for God and be transformed.

It is difficult to hear God when I’m too busy to pray or think. If my mind is occupied with Facebook or Twitter and my heart with fear or anxiety, where is the room for God’s love, messages and gifts to fit? Your prayer space need not be a church or a quiet place. I often feel God’s presence and voice while listening to music or going for a walk. While God can speak to us anywhere, think about creating time and space to hear her.

—Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg

Saints, share your personal REFLECTIONS here:

Hearing God speak to me … I always feel close and hear God when I am in nature. Julian of Norwich said, “God is nature’s substance, the very essence of life.” Nature creates a space where God shows up for me. I can see the possibilities of unity and beauty in my life when I immerse myself in nature. It is a hopeful space for me.

– Christie