It may seem out of place to be talking about rest. We live in troubled and hurried times. Everyone has been forced to change their routine. The number of people suffering from sleep disorders and insomnia is on the rise; others can sleep, but their minds find no rest. Yet resting is vital for our physical, mental and spiritual health. Spiritual health requires spending quality time resting and meditating.

Let’s go back to the ninth century bce. In the midst of a crisis, King David expressed his total trust in God. At the time, he felt unjustly persecuted and slandered, so he cried out with hope that God would intervene. In response, he received peace “that surpasses all understanding.” This made him forget his life’s tragedies. He slept in divine calm—a peace that no commotion could interrupt.

Today I’m inviting you to offer your thoughts to God and to rest in God so that you may receive that same peace in your body, mind and spirit. “For only you, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” All those who put their faith and hope in God will dwell in safety!

—Patricia Martin

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